lundi 13 avril 2015

Ademco Lynx (Monitronics-branded) - Cannot erase dial out numbers

Purchased a new home with an Ademco Lynx system with Monitronics-brand. It's currently not being monitored. The panel would beep in the middle of the night and we initially believed it was due to batteries, since there was a low battery code as well. We replaced ALL the batteries in the system (sensors & backup), except for the smoke detector (no low battery message anymore, though). I believe the previous owner took their time to cancel the landline, because we're starting to get the dreaded FC code (we don't have landline service).

We managed to get the installer code (thanks for MrRon!), but couldn't delete the dialer codes and the FC error persists.

Do we have a "locked-out" system? If so, any way to reset to a factory default? Even without the monitoring, this system has some nice features, but the middle of the night beeping is not tolerable.

Ademco Lynx (Monitronics-branded) - Cannot erase dial out numbers

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