samedi 25 avril 2015

PC9155 programming help needed for flood sensor

hey everybody,
I have a DSC PC9155 wireless system, I have two flood sensors that I'm having issues getting to cooperate, when the flood sensor is violated it sends the whole system into a burglar alarm, I have it connected to my radiora 2 system so my whole house lights up, sirens sounding,
I've gone through my programming book a hundred times and I can't seem to figure out how to program the system so when the flood sensors are violated I dont have a emergency for the neighborhood to know about, is there a way to make just my keypads alert, maybe the indoor siren? I have it on a silent alarm but nothing triggers that way at all currently (but what good is that really?)

any help would be great
thanks in advanced
PC9155 programming help needed for flood sensor

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