mardi 14 avril 2015

Why didn't my fax go though?

We are in area code 585. My wife got confused and sent a fax to 1-585-***.**** The intended recipient didn't get it, and she sent two more, which weren't received either. The fax machine said all three transmitted properly.

I explained the problem to her, and she sent a fourth to ***-**** and it went though.

I called the two numbers and they both answer with a fax machine.

We have our telephone service with Roadrunner, if that matters.

So, two questions...

1) Normally if you enter 1-AC when it isn't necessary you get a voice telling you an area code isn't necessary. Why did this one seem to go through?

2) If it went through, why didn't they get the fax?

Why didn't my fax go though?

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